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China Says It Launched a Rocket With a Dummy Warhead Into the Pacific

·2 mins

China conducted a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) carrying a dummy warhead into the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday. This marks the first publicly announced ICBM test by China in the Pacific region in over four decades.

The missile was launched by the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force, with the dummy warhead reportedly landing precisely in the designated area of the “high seas.” The Chinese defense ministry described the launch as a routine part of annual exercises, emphasizing that it was not aimed at any specific country or target.

This test comes amid China’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its missile capabilities, despite recent internal challenges within its weapons bureaucracy. Over the past two years, there have been significant leadership changes and corruption scandals within the Rocket Force and related defense departments.

The launch is seen as a signal of China’s military prowess and its commitment to maintaining a strong nuclear deterrent. It also reflects the country’s ambition to project power across the region and counter American influence in Asia.

China’s missile program, particularly its ICBM arsenal, is a crucial component of its nuclear capabilities. The country is estimated to possess around 134 ICBMs capable of delivering approximately 240 warheads, which is about half the number fielded by the United States or Russia.

The test has raised concerns among neighboring countries in Asia, who are already anxious about China’s expanding military strength. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and other regional governments are likely to closely monitor such developments.

Despite recent internal challenges, China’s development of new missile systems appears to be continuing. The country is reportedly working on new intercontinental missiles that will significantly enhance its nuclear-capable missile forces. There are also indications that China may be exploring the development of conventionally-armed intercontinental ballistic systems.

This missile test underscores China’s determination to maintain and advance its strategic capabilities, even as it navigates internal challenges and shifting geopolitical dynamics in the region.